Daily Reading // Deuteronomy 26-28
(Find the daily reading on Pastor Jim’s Blog)
Select a verse from today’s reading
Deuteronomy 28:40 (NKJV) “You shall have olive trees throughout all your territory, but you shall not anoint yourself with the oil; for your olives shall drop off.”
Why did this verse get your attention? Make a simple observation from the text
Having olive trees at this time was a tremendous resource. Olives and their oil were highly prized and had many uses. It makes sense to spend time cultivating and growing fruit bearing olive trees.
But what good is it to have an olive tree, or thousands of olive trees, whose olives go in harvested? It is a waste of valuable resources. It is and opportunity lost.
How can I apply this to my life today?
A well-used acronym is f.o.m.o. It is simply known as ‘fomo’ and stands for ‘fear of missing out’. It usually involves social situations or other benefits that others get to enjoy but I don’t.
Maybe fomo should be ‘fear of missing opportunities’. God gives me opportunities to be fruitful, to bear fruit, in many different ways. It may be using a gift He has given me to serve others. It may be sharing the gospel with a neighbor or co-worker. It might be responding to a need. It may be going day after day without being in His Word and in prayer.
God gives me opportunities every single day to draw closer to Him. Do I let the opportunities drop off the tree?
Express yourself in prayer
God, Lead me into my God-given opportunities today. Amen.