Then Pharaoh called to Moses and said, “Go, serve the Lord; only let your flocks and your herds be kept back. Let your little ones also go with you.”
Exodus 10:24 NKJV
Throughout this account in the book of Exodus, Pharaoh tries to negotiate with God. That’s what gets him into trouble. He is willing to give in a little bit, but wants to alter God’s directives.
“Okay you can go, but leave your children behind.” “Okay you and your children can go but leave your livestock behind.”
You cant negotiate with God. It’s all or nothing. There is no such thing as partial obedience. Partial obedience is disobedience.
Pharaoh’s ’partial obedience’ got him into real trouble. Mine does too.
Father, What ever You desire from me, my answer is a wholehearted ‘yes’!