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Writer's picture: Pastor JimPastor Jim

Daily Reading // Isaiah 60:10-22


Take a moment to quiet your mind and prepare your heart for your time with the Lord.


Read the passage above up to three times aloud. Allow yourself to feel the words as they are read.


Now direct your focus on the words, phrases concepts or sentences that got your attention. What is God speaking to you today through His word?

Isaiah 60:18 Violence shall no longer be heard in your land, Neither wasting nor destruction within your borders; But you shall call your walls Salvation, And your gates Praise.

You shall call your walls salvation, and your gates praise.

The picture here is a fortified city in ancient times. Not all cities were fortified. The ones that were served an important function in the region. Because of strong walls and strong gates people had a place to go in times of trouble. Remember how much it grieved Nehemiah that the walls of Jerusalem had not been restored? Without protective walls and gates a city was vulnerable and life couldn’t flourish.

Entrance into the city only came through the strong gates.

What are the most strong, protective and secure walls possible? Spiritually speaking, it is salvation. Salvation is protection; protection from the attacks of the enemy. Under the protection of salvation, we are never vulnerable. Spiritual life can flourish. We don’t have to fear the threats that come from outside the wall. Salvation has made us safe from all spiritual offenses launched against us. We can live in peace.

The gates are praise. We shall come in and go out through praise. Praise establishes the confidence and certainty of our defense. My confidence is not in myself but in the One I praise. Praise is what aligns me with my place of protection. Praise is the language of the Kingdom. Praise is the password. Praise is my open line to the reality of my salvation.

Today my walls are salvation and my gates are praise.


Pray in response to what the Lord has spoken to you.

Jesus, I can’t fully understand the spiritual protection You provide for me in my salvation. Still, I am grateful. I am not spiritually vulnerable. You are my strength and my shield. I rest in You today and I give You all praise! Amen.

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