Daily Reading // 1 Samuel 6-10
(Find the daily reading on Pastor Jim’s Blog)
Select a verse from today’s reading
1 Samuel 8:9 (NKJV) “Now therefore, heed their voice. However, you shall solemnly forewarn them, and show them the behavior of the king who will reign over them.”
Why did this verse get your attention? Make a simple observation from the text
The people of Israel wanted a king, like all the other nations had. They saw the impressive monarchs of other nations and how the kings led them out to battle. They wanted that for themselves.
God had led them into battle with judges like Joshua, Gideon, Batak, Deborah and others. But it wasn’t the same. They wanted an impressive king. God gave it to them.
But first He told the people it would cost them. Having a king was the most costly thing a nation could have. They had seen the outward show of having a king but they failed to see the cost nations pay for having a king. They were warned.
How can I apply this to my life today?
Man’s government costs. It costs a lot.
As in Samuel’s warning here, those in positions of power tend to take whatever they want and do whatever they want. They start out as one who is to serve the concerns and needs of the people. They end up seeing themselves being served by the people.
We are told in scripture to pray for those who rule over us, that we may lead peaceable lives. It’s difficult when you see the abuse of the office. Pray anyway.
Express yourself in prayer
Lord, Guide and direct or leaders in our government. Today I pray for President Joe Biden and Governor Kate Brown. May they be subject to You in everything. Use them to bless Your people. Amen.