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God Sufficiency

Writer's picture: Pastor JimPastor Jim

Daily Reading // 2 Corinthians 3:1-6


Take a moment to quiet your mind and prepare your heart for your time with the Lord.


Read the passage above up to three times aloud. Allow yourself to feel the words as they are read.


Now direct your focus on the words, phrases concepts or sentences that got your attention. What is God speaking to you today through His word?

2 Corinthians 3:6 (NKJV) who also made us sufficient as ministers of the new covenant, not of the letter but of the Spirit; for the letter kills, but the Spirit gives life.

I feel more and more like we are insufficient as ministers of the new covenant. Or like I am not sufficient as a minister of the new covenant. I feel like we are not effective in sharing the gospel and seeing new converts come to Christ. It feels like we are losing the battle for souls.

We need, not more of the letter, but more of the spirit.

We need, not to be sufficient within ourselves, but God’s sufficiency.

Paul’s sufficiency came from God. He prayed. He listened. He obeyed. He went where God told him to go. He stayed where God told him to stay. He ‘labored more than they all’. He spoke. He wrote. He suffered.

In all of that he still recognized his sufficiency came from God. God sufficiency doesn’t involve doing nothing and waiting for results. God sufficiency involves knowing you’re own limitations and knowing those don’t matter.

I think you only get God sufficiency when you have God dependency. I need more God dependency in my life.


Pray in response to what the Lord has spoken to you.

Father, You are all sufficient. I am not. Make me sufficient as a minister of the new covenant. Amen!

Tomorrow’s reading -> 2 Corinthians 3:7-18

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Pastor Jim
Pastor Jim
Oct 21, 2020

Amen Martin


Oct 15, 2020

Very comforting to know we have the option of lives in the spirit, and God's sufficiency. My prayer is that I, and my friends, grasp the importance of this.

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