Daily Reading // Psalm 24:1-10
Take a moment to quiet your mind and prepare your heart for your time with the Lord.
Read the passage above up to three times aloud. Allow yourself to feel the words as they are read.
Now direct your focus on the words, phrases concepts or sentences that got your attention. What is God speaking to you today through His word?
Psalm 24:1-2 1 A Psalm of David. The earth [is] the LORD’s, and all its fullness, The world and those who dwell therein. 2 For He has founded it upon the seas, And established it upon the waters.
The most personal kind of ownership is creative ownership. A book printer has some stake in the sale of a book. A publisher has an even greater stake. But the greatest stake in the sale of a book is its author. The one who dreamed up the story; took great pains to formulate an idea into words; wrote and rewrote and rewrote the storyline; then finally put it out for admiration and criticism. The author is most personally connected to his creation.
God is the Author of creation. He dreamt it up. He meticulously crafted the story together intricate detail by intricate detail. He wrote me into the story with background, intention and purpose. No one has a greater stake in creation than God. No one has a more personal and vested interest.
I belong to Him, not just in an ownership way, but in a creative license and intellectual property way. I was in His mind before I came to be. I’m His idea.
The God Who created everything, Who created me and Who does all things well will bring everything to a perfect conclusion. He is the King of Glory!
Pray in response to what the Lord has spoken to you.
God, I join with all of creation to accomplish Your perfect will, Your wonderful story. I belong to You and live to fulfill Your perfect will. Use me today. Amen.
Tomorrow’s reading -> Sabbath Reflection