Daily Reading // Job 17-18
(Find the daily reading on Pastor Jim’s Blog)
Select a verse from today’s reading
Job 17:12 (NKJV) They change the night into day; ‘The light is near,’ they say, in the face of darkness.
Why did this verse get your attention? Make a simple observation from the text
Job was attacked by Satan in many ways. Satan attacked his prominence and took away all he had. Satan attacked his family. Satan even attacked his health. This generally healthy man was forced to live with pain and dis-ease.
And then, for chapters and chapters, Job was forced to live with friends and colleagues who dispensed false wisdom. Remember, God judged their foolish misinformation (Job 42:7-10).
Job saw the foolishness of their ‘intelligence’, calling darkness light. It was yet another source of pain for him, living with false wisdom as his constant companion.
How can I apply this to my life today?
I feel like we can identify with this in our day. One of Job’s more subtle sufferings was the incessant droning of those who were supposed to be comforting friends but were really dispensers of false information and self-serving philosophies.
They presented themselves as those who represent God and speak for Him. God said, “No they don’t”. Hmmm, I wonder then who sent them...
Notice, too, those with absolutely wrong ideas and misrepresentation of God outnumbered Job, who was the one God commends in the end. The majority is NOT always right. Often it is quite the opposite.
We are not the first ones who have endured false wisdom and misinformation. Many Bible scholars believe Job is actually the oldest book in the Bible.
False wisdom and misrepresentation of God is certainly the oldest trick in the book. (Remember the Garden of Eden?)
Express yourself in prayer
Father, Help me to see You as You really are in spite of satanic efforts to the contrary. Amen.