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  • Writer's picturePastor Jim

Pick A Table

Daily Reading // 1 Corinthians 10:14-22


Take a moment to quiet your mind and prepare your heart for your time with the Lord.


Read the passage above up to three times aloud. Allow yourself to feel the words as they are read.


Now direct your focus on the words, phrases concepts or sentences that got your attention. What is God speaking to you today through His word?

1 Corinthians 10:21 (NKJV) You cannot drink the cup of the Lord and the cup of demons; you cannot partake of the Lord’s table and of the table of demons.

I have to choose.

There are plenty of people who want to play both sides. They want to have the benefit of being friends with God, but they also want to keep all the benefits of the idols of this world. I can’t have it both ways. I can’t eat from both tables.

As a young married couple with small children in the home, my wife and I tried to make everyone happy at Thanksgiving. We ate a full Thanksgiving meal at her parents’ house. Then we drove over to my parents’ house for meal number two. It was tough but it could be done.

It worked because they lived close to each other. It worked because they both understood. It worked because I love turkey.

The passage is telling us today that doesn’t work with eating at God’s table and eating with the idols of this world. They aren’t close together and their menus are totally different. Friendship with one is enmity with the other.

Which table do I want to be at?


Pray in response to what the Lord has spoken to you.

Father, You have set a table before me. I thank You for inviting me to Your table. Amen.

Tomorrow’s reading -> 1 Corinthians 10:23-33

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