Daily Reading // Acts 15-16
(Find the daily reading on Pastor Jim’s Blog)
Select a verse from today’s reading
Acts 16:39 (NKJV) Then they came and pleaded with them and brought them out, and asked them to depart from the city.
Why did this verse get your attention? Make a simple observation from the text
What a difference an earthquake makes.
I think this part of the Phillipi story is very humorous. First the leaders of the city have Paul and Silas beaten and thrown into jail. They put them in deepest part of jail and locked them in stocks. They made sure they weren’t going anywhere.
Then miraculously the jail was open and the chains loosened. But they didn’t escape. Instead of gaining their freedom they preached to the jailer and gained him his spiritual freedom.
Then those who imprisoned them now told them to leave. Paul pointed out they were Roman citizens and had been wronged.
Next those who had them held now begged them to leave. What a changed.
How can I apply this to my life today?
Paul made a mark on the city of Phillipi. He stirred things up. He didn’t do it on his own. God moved miraculously and Paul was obedient.
My part is obedience. God does the miraculous. It’s not necessarily the way I think it should go. God still has some surprises up His sleeve.
Express yourself in prayer
God, Work through me in the lives of others today. Amen.