Daily Reading // Isaiah 9:1-21
Take a moment to quiet your mind and prepare your heart for your time with the Lord.
Read the passage above up to three times aloud. Allow yourself to feel the words as they are read.
Now direct your focus on the words, phrases concepts or sentences that got your attention. What is God speaking to you today through His word?
Isaiah 9:2 The people who walked in darkness Have seen a great light; Those who dwelt in the land of the shadow of death, Upon them a light has shined.
Of course, this is a prophetic verse about Jesus coming to bring salvation to the gentiles. It makes me think about how quickly a person’s identity can change. People who identify with darkness - they walk in it and dwell in it - change the main component of their identity as soon as the light turns on. Everything about who they are is transformed in an instant by that one event. Personal transformation is generally a very long process, but not when Jesus turns on the light. It can happen almost immediately. Everything is different once it’s been hit by the light.
Pray in response to what the Lord has spoken to you.
Jesus, Shine Your light in and through my life today. Change stuff. There is nothing that You can not touch and change. Amen.