If a man makes a vow to the Lord, or swears an oath to bind himself by some agreement, he shall not break his word; he shall do according to all that proceeds out of his mouth.
Numbers 30:2 NKJV
As God was setting up the way this new community would function, He made sure to include this direction regarding keeping your promises.
Community, and even relationship in general, cannot function without trust. Where there is no trust there can be no significant relationship. Trust is earned as agreements are kept.
The value of trust continues to decline in our culture. Many people don’t consider the relational damage done when promises are not kept. Politicians, advertisements, and others pour distrust into our daily lives.
I will STILL be a person who keeps my word, no matter what. I will STILL be a person who looks for relationships built on trust.
Lord Jesus, You always keep Your Word. Make me a person who does the same. Amen.
Interesting timing of this post…among the barrage of political ads.