Do not strive with a man without cause, If he has done you no harm.
Proverbs 3:30 NKJV
According to this proverb, there may be cause to strive with someone else. Clearly if that person has done you harm or threatens to do you harm. That would be justification to defend yourself, protect yourself, fight back.
Stay out of fights that are not yours to fight.
There is a lot of striving these days. There is political strife, ideological strife, financial strife, and personal strife. So many people are looking for a fight rather than how to stay out of one. Most striving does not endanger me or others I’m called to protect, so I don’t have to join in on it.
Don’t pick fights. Don’t get sucked into fights that aren’t yours. It’s not wise.
Prince of Peace, Bring peace into our world of strife. Amen.