and saying, “You who destroy the temple and build it in three days, save Yourself! If You are the Son of God, come down from the cross.”
Matthew 27:40 NKJV
As Jesus hung on the cross, those who were against Him hurled insults and accusations at Him. They also told Him to prove He was the Son of God by coming down off the cross. That would prove He was the Son of God.
They were wrong. The proof that He was the Lamb of God sent to take away the sin of the world was that He stayed on the cross and willingly gave up His life. It’s not that He couldn’t come down off the cross. I’m so grateful that He didn’t.
They didn’t get to choose the action Jesus should take. It wasn’t up to them. And it isn’t up to me. When He chooses a different course of action than I think He should, I know with certainty it is the best course of action.
Lord, I trust You in my life today and always. Amen.