Daily Reading // Psalm 128-130
(Find the daily reading on Pastor Jim’s Blog)
Select a verse from today’s reading
Psalms 130:6 (NKJV) My soul waits for the Lord More than those who watch for the morning-- Yes, more than those who watch for the morning.
Why did this verse get your attention? Make a simple observation from the text
Waiting is difficult. Even in the best circumstances. Waiting rooms are created to give comfort while waiting. It’s still hard to wait.
One of the worst kind of waiting is waiting for the morning. In the middle of a tough night when you can’t sleep. It’s dark and there may be something causing fear. All you can do is lay there and wait for the morning. Every minute seems like it takes an hour.
The psalmist says he is waiting for the Lord with even more hopeful expectancy than that person waits for the morning.
Isaiah adds to it by saying, “They that wait upon the Lord will renew their strength. They will mount up with wings as eagles.”
How can I apply this to my life today?
I don’t like waiting. I don’t think anyone does. But, as we say, “Some things are worth waiting for.” Waiting expresses value and trust and peace.
Laying in the darkness waiting for the morning I remind myself, “Night won’t last forever. The darkness will give way to light. Those things that appear scary will be revealed. Everything will change with a new day.”
Those are also my thoughts as I wait for the Lord. Night won’t last forever. Darkness will give way to light. Scary things will disappear. A new day is coming. Everything will change.
It will all be worth the wait.